Data Retention Process: 2-Years for Courses and Videos

As of January 1, 2023, NIC is instituting a 2-year Brightspace course and Kaltura video retention process to protect and streamline course and student data as well as provide organized and efficient collections of courses and videos. This also applies to BlueJeans recordings of online classes.

Per a NIC Policy 1-05 NIC is only required to retain student grades, student academic work and teaching/course content for the current year plus 1 year. This refers to Brightspace courses and Kaltura videos. Rolling out a 2-year retention plan is in alignment with other post-secondary institutions.

Keeping our learning technology platforms clean and organized will provide many benefits for both faculty and support staff, along with those who manage and work daily in the technical operations of Brightspace and Kaltura.

This process will also demonstrate responsible management of student data for privacy regulations. It is a responsible post-secondary institution to not house private and sensitive student data, grades, videos, course recordings in BlueJeans and any student-related content for more than 2 years. Notification reminders will be sent to give ample warning.

More Info here:

Brightspace: If you want to keep the contents of older courses you should EXPORT them to Team Shared Drive or work with Master Courses (manual courses) with core content shared by all instructors. All sandboxes and manual courses will not be deleted but owners will be asked to review any courses and notify IT if you want deletions. Export Yourself: Export Video Instructions and Handout

Kaltura: If you want to keep videos you have made but are no longer needing to be hosted on Kaltura, download and save on your One Drive. You have a 1TB of space – tons of room to store videos!

Brightspace Courses: What is Being Deleted and When?

June 2024

  • Fall 2021 Courses
  • Winter 2022 Courses

December 2024

  • Spring/Summer 2022 Courses

March 2025

  • Fall 2022 Courses

June 2025

  • Winter 2023 Courses

December 2025

  • Spring/Summer 2023 Courses

March 2026

  • Fall 2023 Courses

COURSES = those that are linked via registration to Student Information System. This includes all sections and merged enrolled courses.

DOES NOT INCLUDE: Master courses, Sandbox Courses and Manual Hub courses, Discover/Self-Enrol Courses


Kaltura: What is Being Deleted and When?

Fall 2023

  • Reminders to delete Kaltura videos yourself that are not being played, are not required. Notices sent to users with high video collections that are not getting used.

June 2024

  • All videos with NO PLAYS in past 2 years will be permanently deleted

December 2024

  • All videos with NO PLAYS in past 2 years will be permanently deleted