Uncovering The Hidden Curriculum
URL: https://hiddencurriculum.ca/
- Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum is a cross-institution, cross-sector, and cross-disciplinary initiative that aims to support a learner’s academic, personal, and professional development.
- This website includes various skills-based content and resources that educators can embed in their courses.
- Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum will support student mental health, which was the initial motivation for this project.
- In addition, when educators engage in activities to uncover the hidden curriculum it humanizes learning and makes for more meaningful interactions with students.
- Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum consists of 54 skills/topics that are categorized into 5 domains: executive function, communication, critical thinking, intra- and interpersonal, and social accountability.
- Each skill/topic is organized as a module that includes content and resources for both students and educators.
- The content addresses why it is important for students to develop the skill and how it links with mental health.
- The resources include strategies educators can share with students, tips for educators when designing and implementing their courses, and activities educators can do with students.
- When navigating the skills/topics, keep in mind that to uncover them is to embed them into teaching and learning spaces in explicit and meaningful ways. Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum supports, and in some cases becomes part of, existing course design and content. This process is a journey and any steps towards it demonstrate a commitment and engagement to students that won’t go unnoticed.
- All content and resources related to Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum are licensed as Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
Project Lead and Design Conception: Dr. Nicole Campbell