Data Retention: 2-Years for Courses + Videos

2-Year Brightspace Course & Kaltura Video Retention Process

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As of January 1, 2023, NIC is instituting a 2-year Brightspace course and Kaltura video retention process to protect and streamline course and student data as well as provide organized and efficient collections of courses and videos. This also applies to BlueJeans recordings of online classes.

Per a NIC Policy 1-05 NIC is only required to retain student grades, student academic work and teaching/course content for the current year plus 1 year. This refers to Brightspace courses and Kaltura videos. Rolling out a 2-year retention plan is in alignment with other post-secondary institutions.

Keeping our learning technology platforms clean and organized will provide many benefits for both faculty and support staff, along with those who manage and work daily in the technical operations of Brightspace and Kaltura.

This process will also demonstrate responsible management of student data for privacy regulations. It is a responsible post-secondary institution to not house private and sensitive student data, grades, videos, course recordings in BlueJeans and any student-related content for more than 2 years. Notification reminders will be sent to give ample warning.

Platform Instructor Actions IT Actions
  • Ensure no recordings beyond 2 years exist in BlueJeans Recordings tab collection.
  • No bulk deletion is available. Delete each recording by clicking on trash can.

TIP: Delete all course recordings when you close your Brightspace courses, so this process is done little bits at a time and aligns with course completion.

None currently.


In near future, NIC will have more oversight of our accounts and may be able to do bulk deletion.

  • Make your course inactive (uncheck the “Course is Active” checkbox) when the course is complete. Update master courses.
  • Export (via Import/Export/Copy Components tool) your course at beginning and end to have a back up of content (not student data but all your course content and design of learning).
  • Student data should not be downloaded because wherever it lives will add another element of privacy to manage. However, it is possible to export grades, discussion posts, quiz data, and student assignments but not recommended.

NOTE: All courses have 100 days buffer to stay open after the official end date of course to allow for students to complete courses.

Starting June 2024, IT will permanently delete any student-registration courses that are more than 2 years’ old.

Sandbox/master courses (manually created courses with no students) will not be deleted but users will be regularly asked if they wish to delete.

  • Delete videos you no longer need by selecting the trash can icon.
  • If you require a video that has not been played in past two years, ensure you get a recent play or two on it to avoid deletion.
  • All videos you create should live on your computer where you made your recordings. All videos from YouTube live there. You should always have original versions of videos outside of Kaltura.

TIP: Tag your videos with key words to make them easier to locate.

Starting June 2024,  IT will delete all videos that have not been played in the past 2 years.

All videos. No filtering.

Rationale: Student Data and Course Content/Video Retention Process

The following set of hexagons outline the key components as to why data retention processes are important.