Author: Liesel Knaack

Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation, North Island College

Teaching and Learning Innovation

Innovating and improving teaching and learning practices are the core duties and responsibilities of educators. Check out the resources from how learning works to reflecting and celebrating teaching and learning. Learning ESSENTIALS DESIGN + ALIGN LEARNING ASSESS LEARNING Engage LEARNERS TECHNOLOGIES FOR LEARNING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (GENAI) REFLECT ON LEARNING CELEBRATE LEARNING

Knowledge for Effective Teaching: PD Focus

Instructors require four kinds of knowledge to be an effective educator. College and university instructors most often come to the position without strengths in all four knowledge areas. When instructors are building their professional development plan they should consider a balanced approach of all four components and a variety of formats such as conferences, workshops,…

New NIC End-of-Course Feedback Surveys!

New NIC End-of-Course Feedback Surveys!

Full Information Page Course Feedback Surveys Introduction: NIC has an institutional survey that is an informal, formative set of course and instructor questions aimed to provide instructors with confidential feedback on their courses at the mid-point and end-point time periods. Course feedback is about gathering input on what is going well and where enhancements can…

2023 Faculty Academic Integrity Matters (AIM) Tutorial

2023 Faculty Academic Integrity Matters (AIM) Tutorial

CTLI is delighted to present a newly developed 2023 Faculty Academic Integrity Matters Tutorial. This is an instructor learning resource designed to address the changing landscape of ethical behaviour in post-secondary education. As students increasingly explore and experiment with artificial intelligence and assistive technology, educators should continue to expand their understanding about the growing landscape…

BCcampus Open Textbook Collection

BCcampus Open Textbook Collection

Creating a Better User Experience for the B.C. Open Collection Link to IMPROVED BC Open Collection: BCcampus has created a better user experience for their fantastic open collection of teaching and learning resources. From the article intro: If you’re an educator in B.C.’s post-secondary system, chances are you’ve heard about the B.C. Open Collection,…

Technology Integrations into Brightspace

Technology Integrations into Brightspace

“Technology Integrations into Brightspace” NIC’s Approval Process for Technology Integrations for Digital Learning Environments (Brightspace) There is a new decision-making process involved in approving a third-party technology integration (e.g., a textbook publisher, web tool, social media platform) for connection into NIC’s digital learning environment – Brightspace. Instructor requests for integrating/adding in/making a connection link within…

Setting Up Pronouns, Preferred and Traditional Names in Brightspace

Setting Up Pronouns, Preferred and Traditional Names in Brightspace

North Island College has set up Brightspace to allow students and instructors to add in their pronouns, preferred names and traditional names so that we can respectfully communicate with each other in the digital world.  Pronouns Log in to Brightspace at Click on your personal menu (where your name appears in the top right…