

NIC Brightspace (direct) URL: 

Brightspace is NIC’s digital learning platform. We encourage all instructors to take some time to watch the videos within these pagesand explore the Brightspace Community to learn more. Start on this page and then access one of the sub-menu pages via the quick links:

Brightspace Support Pages (see flyout menus too!)



This 20:36 minute video is a tour through Brightspace and explains how to navigate the platform and where to find key tools.

Top of Page


Recommended Resources for NIC Instructors

  • NIC Student Quick Start Guide to BrightspacePDF Version
    • See what students get for supports and orientation to the platform. Some of this might be helpful to peruse on your own.
  • D2L Brightspace Quick Start Guide for Higher Education: PDF Version
    • Not the NIC version from the Quick Start sessions but D2L’s version in a few pages of where to start.
  • D2L Brightspace Tools Guide: PDF Version
    • Fantastic “placemat” of all the tools and where to learn more about each of them
  • D2L Brightspace Video Tutorials: YouTube Link
    • Go to Featured Playlists > Semester Start for Instructors  (16 short videos)
    • Go to Featured Playlists > Getting Started for Instructors (4 short videos)
    • Go to Created Playlists > Teaching Tips for Instructors (11 short videos)
    • Go to Created Playlists > Quick Eval for Instructors (2 short videos)
  • NIC MediaSpace (Kaltura Canadian Cloud): Link


Step 0: Organize First – Delete, Clean, File, Label, Arrange, Get in Order! **

Step 1.Verify and Navigate Access

  • Instructor Access: Can you access your successfully log into Brightspace?
  • URL: + NIC credentials (or via NIC portal or main page of NIC website)
  • Course Shells: Can you access your instructor sandbox, Course Shells?
  • Navigate Main Home Page: My Courses / Waffle Icon, Pinning, Semesters


Step 2. Develop Course Plan and Locate Content

  • Blackboard Learn Content: Do you want use content from Blackboard courses? What does your content look like in Blackboard? Types? File Organization? Need again?
  • Start from Scratch: Do you want to build from scratch and bring in content as you need?
  • Video Content: Do you have Kaltura (YouTube or other) Videos?


Step 3. Sign Up and Review Training Materials

  • Brightspace Community: Have you created your account? Taken “Guided Training for Instructors” and “Create an Online Course” training in Brightspace Community? RECOMMEND!!!
  • Teach Anywhere Brightspace Section:
  • Teach Anywhere DIY: Have you reviewed top DIY instructor actions?
  • YouTube Videos: Have you reviewed many of the Instructor Playlist videos in YouTube?
  • NIC Sessions: Check out the list of upcoming sessions.


Step 4. Build Course Gradebook

  • Grades: Organize your grade book set up first via Wizard. ORSkip this step if you don’t use Brightspace for grade tracking.
  • Categories: Organize all assignments, quizzes, etc. with appropriate weightings.


Step 5. Organize File Structure – Front + Back Ends!

  • Manage Files: Organize your content in the ‘back end’ of your course first. Lay out file folder organization.
  • Content: Rethink Brightspace’s content experience for ‘front end’ content design of course.
  • Course Builder: Leverage the course builder for in-between content design.


Step 6. Upload, Copy, Import and/or Build Content

  • Content: Via Manage Files upload content manually or
  • Import: Do a course import from Blackboard Learn OR from a converted course (via Converted Semester)
  • Rebuild Content: Use HTML Templates for more professional and readable content
  • Kaltura My Media: Embed YouTube and Home-Grown Video into Content areas


Step 7. Develop Course Learning Engagements

  • Assignments: Create categories, build and link to content
  • Quizzes: Build, organize in quiz library first, then build quiz, link to content
  • Discussions: Create a “Welcome” Forum + “Content” Forum > put topics under
  • Checklists: Build for each week or topic to help students stay on track
  • Announcements: Build communications to alert students
  • Activity Feed: Consider leveraging social learning tool on course homepage to communicate, highlight, engage


D2L Full Instructor Guides

Full guides per each topic – note: not all items are available or enabled in  NIC’s instance. The guides are very detailed – use table of contents to navigate. Maybe more than you want to know.

  • Set up and Deliver a Course (course builder, course structure, files, content files, manage dates, html templates, lessons, checklists) – PDF Version
  • Assess and Grade Learners (grade books, quick eval, rubrics, quizzes, assignments) – PDF Version
  • Interact and Engage with Learners (activity feed, announcements, chat, email, discussions, FAQs, groups) – PDF Version
  • Measure and Guide Performance and Engagement (class progress tool, competencies, etc.) – PDF Version
  • Release Conditions – PDF Version