
Artificial Intelligence & the 2 Sigma Problem

As artificial intelligence (AI) ramps up and we settle into a new norm of having a personal assistant for everything our lives will slowly change.Β  What knowledge is important and valuable? What knowledge can we let die with this generation? These discussions may become commonplace as the expertise required to accomplish different tasks is slowly…

Studying vs. Learning. Not the same thing!

How many times have your students self-professed their mastery of learning while brandishing an oversized highlighter and showcasing fluorescent, yellow-coated pages of text? When we hear this, our minds respond with thoughts such as β€œyou studied but what did you learn?” According to the online Britannica dictionary (2024), β€œwhen you study something, you have not…

2024 Faculty Academic Integrity Matters (AIM) Tutorial + GenAI

CTLI wants to encourage all faculty to complete the 2024 Faculty Academic Integrity Matters Tutorial. This is an instructor learning resource designed to address the changing landscape of ethical behaviour in post-secondary education including suggestions for using Gen AI. As students increasingly explore and experiment with artificial intelligence and assistive technology, educators should continue to…

Troublesome Knowledge

By Rosemary Vogt, Teaching and Learning Specialist, CTLI Troublesome knowledge refers to information or concepts that challenge existing beliefs, norms, or paradigms, causing discomfort, uncertainty, or cognitive dissonance. This concept is often discussed in the context of learning, where students may encounter ideas that contradict their previous understanding or cultural upbringing. Here are a few…

Learning on Repeat – Retrieval Practice and Interleaving

by Rachel Goodliffe, Teaching and Learning Faculty Developer, CTLI and Practical Nurse Instructor, Practical Nursing Program Memory is a key factor to successful learning. When information in long term memory is repeatedly accessed, it supports easier recall and consolidation (Oakley, ND, Zakrajsek, 2022). Repeated recall of information from long term memory strengthens the pathways to…

Course Feedback Survey Service Resumes in Fall 2024 with Updated Platform

To: All NIC instructors (except those in Continuing Education) Re: NIC Course Feedback Survey Service Resumes in Fall 2024 with Updated Platform The NIC Course Feedback Survey Service was launched for most academic programs in Fall 2023 and was expanded in Winter 2024 to include all the Trades and Technical programs. The service allows instructors…

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

Written by: Rosemary Vogt, Teaching and Learning Specialist The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is like peeking behind the curtain to see what makes teaching effective. Learn more via Teach Anywhere resource under Quality Learning. It is a fancy way of saying that teachers are also researchers. Just like scientists conduct research to understand…