AI Resources

Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence

Some outstanding resources on academic integrity along with some excellent considerations for managing how artificial intelligence might affect integrity.

North Island College Resources
  • NIC Academic Misconduct Statement (July 2018): PDF
  • NIC Code of Conduct Policy #3-06: PDF
  • NIC Academic Integrity Resources (MyNIC Portal): Link
VIDEO: (Presentation) Rethinking Academic Integrity

Dr. Sarah Eaton (Feb. 11, 2022) at Memorial University CITL (Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning) 

In this recorded event, Dr. Sarah Eaton, associate professor at the Werklund School of Education and the inaugural educational leader in residence for academic integrity at the Taylor Institute of Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary, discusses and engages with participants about how instructors in a post-secondary landscape consider academic integrity. Topics include: What is your role as an instructor in upholding academic integrity? What ways can we promote academic integrity in our teaching? And what does ethical assessment mean to you?

Time: This video is 1 hour and 25 minutes long but first part is most helpful YouTube link

Resources from Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary
  • Student Academic Integrity: A Handbook for Academic Staff and Teaching Assistants: PDF
  • Student handbook and resources on academic integrity: PDF


Teaching International Students: Academic Integrity

International students bring expectations of academic culture that are often not compatible with U.S. academic culture.

This video describes how academic integrity is viewed and enforced in countries represented by international students. It is meant to give faculty a nuanced understanding of the students’ expectations and cultural factors underlying their expectations, and learn how to clearly communicate your academic integrity policy so as to bridge the cultural gap between your teaching style, and the students’ expectations and experiences.


Encouraging Academic Integrity Through Intentional Assessment Design – Langara College

Link to Toolkit

The production of this toolkit is part of a collaborative project between the Teaching and Curriculum Development Centre, the Centre for Intercultural Engagement, the Academic Integrity Committee, and Student Conduct and Judicial Affairs at Langara. The impetus for developing a toolkit focused on engaging the Langara community in encouraging academic integrity came from our community members looking for guidance and resources. This toolkit was developed to provide instructors with methods and examples of activities and assessments that can help students meet academic standards and expectations.


VIDEO: (Presentation) Academic Integrity and AI in Higher Education

Dr. Sarah Eaton (Apr.4, 2023) at UNBC (University of Northern British Columbia) 

Embracing the Ethical – Artificial Intelligence for Equitable Teaching, Learning and Assessment. Dr. Sarah Eaton and Dr. Brenda McDermott – April 4 2023 Time: This video is 1 hour 25 minutes long but Sarah and Brenda cover the presentation in the first 40 minutes. Well worth the viewing!


Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education – Articles and Sites
  1. AI Tools Don’t Have To Be the Enemy of Teaching and Learning: Link
  2. AI in Higher Education Resource Hub (Contact North): Link
  3. What’s Next for AI in Teaching?: Link 
  4. York University’s Approach to AI: Link
  5. An Introduction to Generative AI Tools (BCIT): PDF
  6. AI, Instructional Design, and OER: Link
  7. Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence Apps: PDF
  8.  Rethinking assignments in the age of AI: Link
  9. AI, Instructional Design, and OER: Link
  10. Teaching the Machine: Faculty weigh in on AI in the classroom: Link


ChatGPT – Articles and Sites


  1. How to Talk to Your Students about ChatGPT
  2. What Do Students Think of ChatGPT?
  3. What Students Can Teach us About ChatGPT 
  4. ChatGPT: Evolution or Revolution? 
  5. A First Response to Assessment and ChatGPT in your Courses
  6. ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in higher education Quick Start GuidePDF


  1. Will ChatGPT Change How Professors Assess Learning?
  2. Rethinking University Writing Pedagogy in a World of ChatGPT


  1. ChatGPT and Cheating: 5 Ways to Change How Students are Graded
  2. Will ChatGPT Get You Caught? Rethinking of Plagiarism DetectionPDF Version
  3. Does Alternative Grading Make Cheating More Likely? 

Accessibility & Open Education

  1. In an AI World, Let Disability Access Lead the Way
  2. ChatGPT and Open Education