Digital Course Design

  • Matrix 1: Digital Learning FormatsΒ – Characteristics and Components: PDF Handout
  • Matrix 2: Digital Learning Formats – Designing Accessible Courses: Suggestions for Six Components: PDF Handout


Creating Online Learning Experiences | free online book by Matt Crosslin et al.

  • From Introduction: β€œThe purpose of this book is to provide guidance and advice for instructors who would like to develop an online course. The overall goal is to provide some clarity about many of the steps required to propose and design a course, to describe the resources needed, and to explain the roles of the stakeholders. Online courses generally take much longer to develop than most people realize. The information in this book is very important in that it is based on practical experience gleaned from those that have designed and offered successful courses.”
  • A primer for Online Education in an Open Educational Resource. The text can be used as a whole, or just relevant parts. A little MOOC heavy but lots of good general information about creating an effective online course. They cover a little theory as well as student centered and asynchronous delivery. Alignment of content and assessment with outcomes, Assessments and content creating, timelines, accessibility, and more are featured in the chapters.