Program Learning Outcomes
Developing outcomes for credentials, program areas or aggregated learning experiences are often referred to as program learning outcomes defined as:
- written for students to communicate the critical learning, concepts and learning expectations required to obtain the credential;
- clear and concise statements that describe what successful students should have achieved in knowledge, skills and abilities by the end of the program of study;
are broader in context and expectations than course learning outcomes; - requires a student to take more than one course to build the skills and knowledge to grasp the essentials of a program learning outcome;
- examples of successful student learning are gathered as evidence for each program learning outcome; and
- must include:
1) measurable and observable demonstration of learning (action)
2) an expected level or standard (criteria, specifics)
3) description of how to achieve the action or description of learning will be demonstrated (context or condition)
Learn more about writing program learning outcomes via the video and/or the handout. Also learn more about good learning outcome composition via the entire Learning Outcomes Section in this Teach Anywhere site.
Video: (36 minutes) – Writing Program Learning Outcomes for Aligned Learning
Handout: PDF Version (goes along with the video)