Design + Align Learning

Designing is the first stage in developing learning experiences for students. This section contains all the core resources and information to help you design or redesign a course through alignment.

Learning Outcomes Crafting an Inclusive Course Outline Understanding Students
First Day(s) of Classes Collaborative Projects High Impact Practices (HIPs)
Teaching Digitally Inclusive Teaching and Learning Diverse Learning and Students
The Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation have created a number of North Island College specific tools, checklists, templates and matrices to help you see the larger planning piece.
  • Matrix 1: Digital Learning Formats – Characteristics and Components: PDF Handout
  • Matrix 2: Digital Learning Formats – Designing Accessible Courses: Suggestions for Six Components: PDF Handout
  • Rapid Course Design Template: NIC Word Doc
  • Keep it Simple Checklist – Designing a Course from Students’ Point of View: NIC PDF Version

Course Design | Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University Calgary