Wrapping Up Your Course

This section contains key components to undertake upon wrapping up your course.

Giving Students Extensions and Entering Incompletes
  • When students require extensions beyond the scheduled completion date due to exceptional circumstances, including academic accommodations, instructors can request approval to apply an Incomplete (INC) to the student’s course record temporarily.
  • Resource: Procedure for Incomplete Standing (Fillable Form from SharePoint Site)
Entering Final Grades
Exporting Brightspace Course Materials
Storing and Archiving Student Work
  • Faculty are only required to retain student academic work for the current year plus one year per Policy 1-05.
  • NIC therefore only keeps all Brightspace courses and Kaltura Videos for TWO years
  • Contact your department chair for guidance on storing exams and physical assignments. Students’ work in Brightspace can stay in the course.
  • Resource: Teach Anywhere Page –  Data Retention Procedures
Reflecting on Your Course
  • Reflecting on your teaching practice and students’ learning experiences in a course is a valuable activity.
  • This can give you a sense of what you’ll continue and what you may change in the future. If you solicited student feedback, you can compare students’ perceptions with your own.
  • A reflective instructor is an effective instructor!
  • Resource: Teach Anywhere Page – Reflective Practice