Academic Integrity

2024 FACULTY Academic integrity matters (aim) tutorial + genai

CTLI wants to encourage all faculty to complete the 2024 Faculty Academic Integrity Matters Tutorial. This is an instructor learning resource designed to address the changing landscape of ethical behaviour in post-secondary education including suggestions for using Gen AI.

As students increasingly explore and experiment with artificial intelligence and assistive technology, educators should continue to expand their understanding about the growing landscape of academic integrity.

This 90-minute tutorial offers faculty members a valuable tool to navigate the challenges posed by these advancements, providing practical strategies and insights to promote integrity and maintain high ethical standards in the classroom. It focuses on the importance of developing a culture of trust and respect with students in order to foster learning.

By engaging with this resource, faculty should be able to effectively navigate these complexities and foster a climate of fairness, cultural sensitivity, and ethical conduct within the academic community.

The module was designed and developed by Kim Pfeifer (CTLI) and Emma Courtney (CTLI) with feedback from Tony Trudel (Academic Integrity Chair) and Margaret Hearnden (past Academic Integrity Chair).

How to Enroll in the Tutorial

  1. Log in to Brightspace atΒ https://mycourses.nic.bc.caΒ and on the main landing page look to the blue navigation bar to see β€œDiscover”
  2. Look for β€œ2024 FACULTY Academic Integrity Matters (AIM) Tutorial” or search for it in the search bar on Discover page
  3. Click on β€œEnroll in Course” to add to your courses. In the future it will be found under “Discover” tab in your My Courses widget on main Brightspace page and also under the “All” tab.
  4. Click β€œOpen Course”
  5. Progress through the various modules and take the six quizzes. You’ll receive a certificate if you get 100% on each of the quizzes.