Learning Technologies

Suite of Digital Learning Tools and Technology Platforms for NIC Student Learning Experience

At North Island College, faculty and students have a collection of three key learning technologies to use for teaching and learning (Brightspace, BlueJeans and Kaltura).

WordPress is a fourth platform that is mainly supported via the OpenETC (Open Education Technology Collaborative) a community of users in BC. Follow the links beside each to a page on this site with more details.

  1. Digital Learning Environment =Brightspace | More Info
  2. Web Conferencing Platform = BlueJeans | More Info
  3. Video Streaming and Storage Platform = Kaltura NIC MediaSpace | More Info
  4. Blogging and Microsite Platform = WordPress | More Info

Another way of looking at learning technologies is through the design of a course (the four quadrants of activities that instructors and students work in) laid on top of the NIC-supported learning technologies, those by the OpenETC and those beyond that are not supported but could be potentially useful. See below PDF documents and video. This rubric is a helpful in making decisions about which tool or platform to use – PDF

  • Learning Technologies Suite of Tools – PDF
  • Learning Technologies Suite of Tools: URLs to platforms outside of NIC’s support – PDF
  • Video Overview – roughly 7 minute summary of the diagram and how to use it (see below)