BlueJeans – Getting Started

This page contains information about getting started with BlueJeans.

Getting an Account

Any employee of NIC can get an account but the priority is for teaching and learning related employees (instructors, deans, admin assistants). For the 2022/23 academic year BlueJeans will be the only format supported for teaching and learning activities for all digital format classes. You are welcome to try Kaltura Virtual Classroom as is is available in all of your courses under Kaltura Media Gallery or via NIC Mediaspace via under My Rooms once you have logged in. If you choose to try this please notify CTLI at

Students do not need a BlueJeans account. Anyone who is a participant (attendee) of a BlueJeans meeting does not need an account. Only those employees who will be scheduling and then hosting (moderating) meetings, classes, office hours, review sessions etc. require a BlueJeans account.

To Request a BlueJeans Account: Send an email to > Service Catalog > Teaching, Learning and Classroom Support > Learning Technology Platforms – and create a ticket – and you will be provisioned with a BlueJeans account with your NIC email. If you are a new employee and don’t have your NIC email yet, you will have to wait until you have your NIC email until you can request an account.

Student Resource

Student Tips for Using BlueJeans: NIC PDF


Getting Started with your BlueJeans Account