BlueJeans – Joining

EIGHT (and 9) Ways FOR INSTRUCTORS to Join a BlueJeans Meeting or Class

If any one of these ways doesn’t work for joining a meeting or class, try another way. There are eight ways to join a meeting! How many do you know?

Tips for muting/disabling video on joining a call

  • Via Icons: Mute sound and disable/enable video via the icons at top of screen
  • Via Shortcuts: “M” (for mute/unmute audio) and “V” (to enable/disable audio feed)
  • To Talk: Use β€œT” to “push-to-talk” while your audio is muted. To speak while on mute, users may push the “T” key on their keyboard to temporarily unmute themselves and speak. When they release the “T” key, they will return to a muted state.
  • More Information: WebpageΒ 


1. VIA LOGIN SCREEN (Instructor only)
2. VIA SCHEDULING AREA (instructor only)
  • Scheduling Screen >
  • BlueJeans app open >
  • left side of screen >
  • calendar-synched scheduled meetings >
  • JOIN

4. VIA BLUEJEANS APP # 2 – Manually Join A MEETING
  • BlueJeans app open >
  • bottom left cornerΒ  >
  • Join By Meeting ID or Sharing Code >
  • Enter Meeting ID and Code >
  • JOIN
  • BlueJeans icon in taskbar when BlueJeans app open >
  • Today’s Upcoming Meetings >
  • Choose meeting >
  • Opens in BlueJeans App >
6. VIA URL (Moderator URL if Instructor)
  • URL in Invite sent to instructor that says “do not forward” (https://XXXXXXXXX/XXXX) – from an email or an Calendar invite etc.>
  • Should open browser >
  • Should open BlueJeans app>
  • May see a dialogue box if meeting is in progress to “join”>
  • Joined Meeting
7. VIA PHONE AUDIO (instructor and student)
  • Phone Audio only >
  • Toll-Free Numbers >
  • Choose Proper Phone Number >
  • Enter Meeting ID and passcode >
  • Joining Meting
8. VIA BROWSER (instructor and student)
  • If you do not have the app downloaded
  • paste URL in Chrome or Firefox browser
  • JOIN

There is a 9th way (and many more ways such as from a conference room system, Slack etc.) but these are less ideal.

9. Join via the mobile app (Android or iOS) for smartphones and iPads –


Watch the following 1:01 minute video to learn how to join a BlueJeans Meeting