Video: Recording Tips

For Making Videos with your Webcam, Smartphone or Camera

Here is a curated collection of some of the best resources and articles out there on how to make videos with your webcam, smartphone or camera. The first one has been created by NIC for a workshop and has been narrated and made into a 7 minute video for all to access.

  • Tips for Creating Quality Videos at Home | Center for Teaching – Vanderbilt University Web Page
  • Tips for Instructional Video Production and Screencasting NIC PDF
    • This document and accompanying video give you some general tips on how to prepare for a video or a screencast.


Make Super Simple Videos for Teaching Online | Michael Wesch


  • Ten Tips for Creating Effective Instructional Videos | Article by Michael Smedshammer on Faculty Focus
    • great overview article of key things to consider


  • Creating Effective Instructional Videos for Online Courses | Article by Amy RottmannΒ andΒ Salena Rabidoux from Inside Higher Education
    • not a very long read, but some good tips that are different than other articles


  • Effective Educational Videos | Article by Cynthia J. Brame, Associate Director, Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University
    • although a bit more theory-based at the beginning about how learning works with video, read on as good stuff follows


  • The Ultimate Guide to Easily Make Instructional Videos | Webpage by Techsmith
    • by the time you get to the end of the tips/suggestions you will find the ideas orient towards the products TechSmith makes – but the rest is great


  • 10 Ways You Can Use Video to Enhance Your Digital Learning Content | Blog by TechSmith
    • Great ideas for how to use video in learning