About Centre + Staff

ABOUT the Centre for Teaching and Learning innovation (CTLI) and its Staff

About | Staff

Below outlines the current complement of staff in the centre as of November 19, 2023.


Director (ADMIN)
Liesel Knaack  – 100% Regular

Centre Operations and Project Analyst (CUPE)
Emma Courtney on leave August 28, 2023 – August 23, 2024
Michelle Carpenter – 100% Temporary

Learning Technology Support Specialist (CUPE)
Kim Pfeifer  – 100% Regular

Teaching and Learning Specialist – Program Review and Curriculum Development Focus (NICFA)
Rosemary Vogt – 100% Regular August 28, 2023 – ongoing

Teaching and Learning Faculty Developer – Program Review Focus (NICFA)
Emma Courtney – 50% Sessional August 28, 2023 – August, 2024

Teaching and Learning Faculty Developer – Health and Human Services Focus (NICFA)
Rachel Goodliffe –  50% Leave from Regular Position August 28, 2023 – August 23, 2024
Meredith McEvoy – 20% Sessional August 28, 2023 – December 22, 2023

Teaching and Learning Faculty Developer – Arts, Science and Management Focus (NICFA)
Natalie Ward – 50% Sessional August 28, 2023 – June 28, 2024
Katherine Carpenter – 50% Sessional August 28, 2023 – June 28, 2024

Teaching and Learning Faculty Developer – Trades and Technical Programs Focus (NICFA)
Karl Plautz – 100% Leave from Regular Position August 28, 2023 – August 23, 2024

Teaching and Learning Faculty Developer (NICFA)
Jen Wrye 50% Regular (on leave August 2023 – August 2024)


North Island College had a teaching and learning committee for many years working together to bring in keynote speakers, special professional development sessions, workshops and learning opportunities. The committee shared resources, held gatherings to plan upcoming sessions and had a representative sit on the BC Teaching and Learning Council. Additional supports were given to short term positions to explore the impacts of the new BC K-12 curriculum on NIC courses and other teaching and learning initiatives.

The teaching and learning centre officially began January 2020 with 3 staff members and a director and was named the Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation. The staff jumped in to support instructors moving to digital delivery during the pandemic, as well as offering numerous learning experiences to enhance instructors’ digital competencies. With the launch of an institutional program review process in early 2020, the Centre staff worked with instructors to gather evidence, write self-studies, organize external review panels and engage in action plan items.

The Centre also helped train and support instructors using newly implemented technology platforms including BlueJeans web conferencing (February 2020), Kaltura video platform (June 2020), Brightspace digital environment (Fall 2021) and Kaltura Virtual Classroom (Winter 2022). This Teach Anywhere website was launched in June 2020 along with the Learn Anywhere website for students in digital learning. Over the past years nearly 220 pages of content, resources, videos and links have been developed on both websites.

The centre aligns its work with the needs of instructors, the institutional strategic plan (BUILD 2026) and changes in teaching and learning especially with a focus on building flexible and accessible learning experiences for North Island College communities. In 2024 a Teaching, Learning and Digital Strategy will be developed that will further refine the direction and work of the centre.

In 2023 the Centre shifts its priorities to diving more fully into supporting the work of academic quality enhancement to ensure our programs and courses are current, relevant and timely with new processes, policies and procedures about curriculum, learning outcomes and evidence of student learning. The Centre staff will work with Institutional Research and Planning and the specific role of Senior Research Analyst – Program Quality (Wayne Hopwood) to support the program review process. In addition, the Centre will lead the Quality Assurance Process Audit (QAPA) deployed by the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills involving an external review panel of our peers, an institutional report and the Academic Quality Enhancement Working Group.