New Hire Tech Access

Helping New Instructional Faculty Understand the Process from Hire to Accessing Learning Technology Platforms (Updated in Some spots June 2023)

To assist new instructional and non-instructional faculty (and chairs, admin assistants, deans, Student Records, IT, HR etc.) in understanding the process that occurs behind the scenes in processing a hire and related technology access, the following documents have been created. A variety of NIC stakeholders participated in the development of these resources which include a flowchart and summary of all the technology access logins for a new faculty member. Consultations were held with Human Resources, IT, Library, Student Records Office, Administrative Assistants and Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation.

Please visit this page to see updates and enhancements as our platforms and systems are continually changing as are our processes for access. This page serves as a repository for these documents and will be updated accordingly.

  1. Flowchart of Process (For all New Hires not including CET hires) – PDF Version (as per below Feb 3, 2022)
  2. Flowchart Explanation of Process (For Administrative Assistants, Student Records Office, Human Resources, and IT) – PDF Version (Feb 3, 2022)
  3. Email Template for Onboarding New Faculty (For Administrative Assistants to complete and send to new faculty hires) – Word Version (Feb 3, 2022)
  4. New Faculty: Technology Access Logins Summary (For all New Instructional Faculty) – PDF Version (June 30, 2023)