Inclusive Teaching Practices
It can feel a little daunting, trying to consider how we can ensure that all our students feel their needs are met in the classroom and across the multiple formats we teach, and students learn.
This section includes resources collated from multiple sources and some created by members of CTLI, that offer ideas of how we can expand our pedagogy in ways that are supportive of students and are ‘doable’ for busy instructors.
The University of Waterloo has resources on inclusive instructional practices, including:
Why is inclusive instruction important? Beyond reducing barriers to learning, more positively inclusive instruction is about fostering varied educational opportunities that promote meaningful and active student engagement. While this can sound overwhelming, this website provides ideas and strategies that instructors can adopt, whatever they are teaching.
What is Universal Design? – This article provides an overview of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Universal Design Instructional Strategies – This section explores strategies to promote accessibility, variety, and that create a supportive classroom environment that values diversity
There are also some useful tip sheets you can download:
Supporting Student Mental Wellbeing looks at this from the perspective of course design, for example how to reduce stress, supporting students in self-assessing how prepared they are for the course and provides ideas on how to apply universal design principles