Educational Development

The Work of Staff in Teaching and Learning Centres

Welcome to this web page containing resources and information about the field of educational development or the work of teaching and learning centre staff.Β  Organized into sections, you’ll find resources as you scroll down. Some of these resources I created. Most I have curated as part of my collection of recommended places to learn more. Hope you find these useful. Liesel

Acronyms: CTL = centre for teaching and learning | TLC = teaching and learning centre | ED = educational developer or educational development | Ed Dev = Educational Development | POD = Professional and Organizational Development Network (US-Based) | STLHE – Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

INTRODUCTORY Video: Educational Development and the Work of Teaching and Learning Centres

Creator and Narrator: Liesel Knaack. Access the menu/bookmarks by clicking on the three (light grey) stacked bars at top left of video to locate a section you wish to view or play from beginning. PDF of Slidedeck (download the PDF deck, open in Adobe PDF and expand the side panel to see some additional notes per each slide)

About: This video is a narrated summary of educational development and the work of teaching and learning centre staff. Hopefully a helpful overview for those applying to positions or those newly hired into positions.

What is Educational Development?

Key resources to learn more about the field of educational development.


What Resources are best for getting started?

If you are new to educational development, here are some key resources to learn more about the job, the duties, and the work of teaching and learning centre staff.


What are theΒ Competencies for Educational Developers?

These charts have been built enhancing the work of the authors of the Educational Development Guide No. 1 – The Educational Developer’s Portfolio. The charts outline the skills, qualities, knowledge and abilities of educational developers at various stages of growth and professional learning.

  • Overall – Educational Developer Competencies (LKnaack) –Β PDF
  • Skills, Abilities and Knowledge for Educational Development (LKnaack) –PDF
  • Novice Educational Developer Competencies Chart (LKnaack) – PDFΒ and Self-Assessment Tool – PDF
  • Intermediate Educational Developer Competencies Chart (LKnaack) – PDF and Self-Assessment Tool – PDF
  • Senior Educational Developer Competencies Chart (LKnaack) – PDF and Self-Assessment Tool – PDF


What Networks and Groups (Resources & Conferences) Exist?

This list includes the key professional organizations, networks and groups that bring together people who engage in the field of educational development.

  • Canada – Educational Development Community in Canada – EDCC | Join EDCC
  • Canada – Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education – STLHE
  • Canada – SoTL Canada (Constituency of STLHE) – SoTL Canada
  • Ontario – Council of Ontario Educational Developers – COED
  • British Columbia – BC Teaching and Learning Council – BCTLC
  • British Columbia – Educational Technologies User Group – ETUG
  • North America Based – Professional and Organizational Development Network – POD
  • UK – Staff and Educational Development Association – SEDA
  • Australasia – Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia – HERDSA
  • International Consortium for Educational Development – ICED
  • International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – ISSOTL



Here are a handful of journals and magazines that publish articles about working in teaching and learning centres.

  • To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development – Journal Website (all free)
  • International Journal for Academic DevelopmentΒ  – Taylor and Francis Online (some open access)
  • Journal on Centres for Teaching and Learning – Website (free)
  • Educational Developments (Magazine of UK SEDA) – Website (free to all articles a year or older)
  • Teaching and Learning Inquiry (Official journal of ISSOTL) – Website (free access)


Where can I get Further Education and Training?

If you’d like to explore this field a bit more, engage in some learning and enhance your practice – here are some suggestions.